Diacronia 2, 17 iulie, 2015, art. A25 (p. 1–10)

The critical spirit of Alexandru I. Philippide: Un specialist român la Lipsca

Simona-Andreea Șova


Faculty of Letters, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Bd. Carol I 11, 700506 Iași, Romania


Received January 22, 2015
Accepted March 1, 2015
Published July 17, 2015


scientific polemic
history of language


Benefiting from the consequences of cultural and scientific development which kicked off in the 19th century, the Romanian space also felt the lags up till then. The development and organisation deficit of science and culture, the poor quality of their relationships with the social complex, were augmented frequently not necessarily by the poor quality of the Romanian scholars, but by a certain superficiality of theirs in the approach and presentation of the treated matters. Trying to confer reliability, accuracy and transparency to the scientific construction in which he took part, A. Philippide often felt in a negative manner some of the scientific behaviours and results presented by his generation colleagues. In this context, beyond the high quality of his results and his highly responsible attitude, the way in which the scholar from Iași tried to improve the process was the scientific polemic.


  • Text complet (în engleză; 10 p., 142 KB)
  • 14 referințe și 0 citări în BDD
  • Formate de citare
    Text:Șova, S. (2015). The critical spirit of Alexandru I. Philippide: Un specialist român la Lipsca, Diacronia 2 (17 iulie), A25 (1–10),
     author = {Simona-Andreea Șova},
     title = {The critical spirit of Alexandru I. Philippide: Un specialist român la Lipsca},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2015},
     month = {iulie},
     number = {2},
     eid = {A25},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–10)",
     url = {}

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