Diacronia 2, 17 iulie, 2015, art. A24 (p. 1–17)

An image of the book in Notes on Manuscripts and Old Books in Moldavia, I–IV, a corpus edited by I. Caproșu and E. Chiaburu

Maria Lupu


Faculty of Letters, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Bd. Carol I 11, 700506 Iași, Romania


Received November 22, 2014
Accepted January 10, 2015
Published July 17, 2015




The context in which this research takes place is within our broader concerns about the evolution of mentalities in the period after the sixteenth century. The purpose of this research is to identify, to some extent, how the people of that specific period related to the book. This requires a repeated and successive reading of the notes, each time with a different purpose, seeking for other data. The main instruments were analysis and synthesis, approached from a diachronic perspective. The approach is an inductive one, from particular to general. The fact is that, printed or manuscript, the book is an active factor in the human life and enjoys a high respect. First the spreading, then the diffusion of the books, followed by an extensive effort of translating into different languages, reflect a great cultural effervescence.


  • Text complet (în engleză; 17 p., 182 KB)
  • 3 referințe și 0 citări în BDD
  • Formate de citare
    Text:Lupu, M. (2015). An image of the book in Notes on Manuscripts and Old Books in Moldavia, I–IV, a corpus edited by I. Caproșu and E. Chiaburu, Diacronia 2 (17 iulie), A24 (1–17),
     author = {Maria Lupu},
     title = {An image of the book in Notes on Manuscripts and Old Books in Moldavia, I–IV, a corpus edited by I. Caproșu and E. Chiaburu},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2015},
     month = {iulie},
     number = {2},
     eid = {A24},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–17)",
     url = {}

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