Diacronia 15, 26 septembrie, 2022, art. A207 (p. 1–12)

A parallel between the first verse of the biblical genesis, the poem “The Secret Rose Garden” and the Sephirotic Tree of Kabbalah

Andrei Victor Cojocaru


Faculty of Letters, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Bd. Carol I 11, 700506 Iași, Romania


Received March 18, 2022
Accepted May 3, 2022
Published September 26, 2022


comparative analysis
old literature
biblical text


This article proposes a study on the border between comparative literature and the hermeneutics of symbols. Although the traditional literature of the Middle East offers many possibilities, the context of the analysis will focus mainly on a parallel between the representation of the Sephirotic Tree of Kabbalah (also called the Tree of Life) and certain verses from the poem “The Secret Rose Garden” written by Mahmūd Shabestarī. At the same time, we will use as a link between the two contexts a symbolic interpretation of the first verse of the biblical genesis. Along with highlighting some of the peculiarities involved in deciphering the Hebrew alphabet, this approach aims at an approach that facilitates the transition from a type of intellectual Kabbalah to a reception related to intuitive Kabbalah. Consequently, the comparative literature appears more as a pretext for contextualizing the method of approach, as well as for presenting illustrative examples.


  • Text complet (în engleză; 12 p., 157 KB)
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  • Formate de citare
    Text:Cojocaru, A. V. (2022). A parallel between the first verse of the biblical genesis, the poem “The Secret Rose Garden” and the Sephirotic Tree of Kabbalah, Diacronia 15 (26 septembrie), A207 (1–12),
    BibTeX:@ARTICLE{victor cojocaru2022,
     author = {Andrei Victor Cojocaru},
     title = {A parallel between the first verse of the biblical genesis, the poem “The Secret Rose Garden” and the Sephirotic Tree of Kabbalah},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2022},
     month = {septembrie},
     number = {15},
     eid = {A207},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–12)",
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