Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Prénoms d’origine slave dans l’anthroponymie roumaine médiévale

Publicația: Analele Universității „Ovidius” din Constanța. Seria Filologie, XXVII (2), p. 583
In honorem Petre Gheorghe Bârlea. Omagiu domnului Profesor universitar doctor Petre Gheorghe Bârlea la 65 de ani
Număr coordonat de Mioara Codleanu și Florentina Nicolae
Editura:Ovidius University Press
Rezumat:The work regards the Slavic loans in the Romanian onomastic inventory structure, in the medieval period (c. 11-17). Fixed and transmitted through the historical tradition, the Slavic surname is a stable component of the secular personal denominational, occupying the second rank in frequency in the Romanian anthroponymy. The onomastic Slavic influence is exercised in three distinct phases: paleo-Slavic secular loans, Christian Greco-Latin names through the Slavic layer and onomastic imports from Neo-Slavic languages (Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian or Ukrainian). The difficulty within this threefold perspective of first names is amplified by the ”pseudo-Slavic” names, formed from Romanian common names of Slavic origins. The paleo-Slavic anthroponyms imposed a first names model consisting of double themes (Dobromir, Vladislav, Bratosin etc.) and that of the truncated given names (the hypocoristic ones) (etc.). The Slavic religious and neo-Slavic loans enriched the repertoire of Romanian personal names, diversifying it by derivation with specific suffixes and variants to adapt to the Romanian system.
Cuvinte-cheie:anthroponymy, surname, Slavic, paleo-Slavic, Slavic, Neo-Slavic, Pseudo-Slavic, influence, loan adjustment
Limba: franceză

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