Asociația Culturală „Text și discurs religios” Sediu social: Strada Gării, nr. 10, bloc L21, et. VIII, ap. 25, mun. Iași, jud. Iași, România. Număr de înregistrare la Judecătorie: 134/A/23.06.2010. Cod de identificare fiscală: 27253579. Cont bancar: IBAN RO25CECEIS1030RON0756695. Site: Adresă de corespondență electronică: [Please enable javascript to view.]. Număr de telefon: 0744137101.
To: The Council of the Association
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request to become a member of Asociația Culturală „Text și discurs religios” [the Cultural Association “Religious text and discourse”, henceforth referred to as “The Association”].
I declare that I have read the Statute of The Association, and that – as a member of The Association – I will adhere to the rules and policies expressed therein.
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I transferred the yearly membership fee for the 2021 fiscal year (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021), in the amount of 200 RON, to the bank account of The Association;
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Date: 2025-02-22
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Journal “Diacronia”ISSN: 2393-1140Frequency: 2 issues / yeardoi:10.17684/issn.2393-1140
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