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Les traducteurs, artisans de l’histoire et des identités culturelles

Publication: Atelier de traduction, 13, p. 23-36
Publisher:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Abstract:After a historical outline of translators as « conquered conquerors », the author estab lishes a vast repertoire of the functions translation fulfills in a given culture. Apart from the well-known instrumental function a(ny) translation assumes, and that which ensures the import and export of texts, translation is more often than not a decisive factor in the genetics of a national language and literature ; to these, one might add the stylistic function, the political (including democratic) function, in direct relation to the transgressive or subversive function (where the case may be). Last, but definitely not least, follow the identitary function, the cultural function, the function which catalyses transformation and, on a purely cultural level, the function which serves as a barometer, i. e. it indicates the degree of openness of one culture to others.
Key words:translators, culture, identity, barometer
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 5

0Raluca-Nicoleta BalaţchiTraducătorul literar şi vizibilitatea sa de-a lungul unui secol de traduceriAtel. Trad., hors série, 109-1172019pdf
1Mina Boloukat, Marzieh Athari NikazmTraduire les éléments culturels du persan en françaisAtel. Trad., 21, 1952014pdf
0Raluca-Nicoleta Balațchi, Daniela HăisanLe rôle des revues de traductologie dans l’histoire et la critique des traductionsAtel. Trad., 19, 472013pdf
0Raluca-Nicoleta Balațchi, Daniela HăisanLes traducteurs de littérature - constructeurs de dialogue multiculturelLDMD, 1, 482-4902013pdf
1Liliana AlicLes idées reçues face au defi de la traductionStudia UPM, 13, 1902012pdf

References in this publication: 0

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